It begins with Princess Elizabeth, the daughter of James I who became known as the Winter Queen. She was married at a young age to Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhine. It turned out to be a very happy marriage but their ill-thoughtout acceptance of the crown of Bohemia affected the rest of their lives. Elizabeth was the mother of Prince Rupert who was such an important figure in the English Civil War and grandmother of King George I of England.
The daughters of King Charles I of England are quite thoroughly covered as are the daughters of James II, who both became Queens of England.
If you are an English history buff like I am, you will find this very eye opening. In most histories, these woman are given very little covereage and yet they played a vital role in the dynastic history of Europe in the 17th and 18th century.
I think this is a great addition to any histories that you have previously read and in her usual style, Alison Plowden has made this easy to read and enjoy. I give it 4.5 stars out of 5.